Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor, theologian, spy, anti-Nazi dissident, and key founding member of the Confessing Church. His writings on Christianity's role in the secular world have become widely influential.
Thursday, 13th March
Cinema Name:Bigscreen Cinemas
Screen:Screen 5
Start Time:11:35 am
Running Time:132 mins.
Approx End Time:2:05 pm
2D / 3D:
Wheelchair Access:
Screen:Screen 1
Start Time:4:15 pm
Approx End Time:6:45 pm
Screen:Screen 6
Start Time:6:25 pm
Approx End Time:8:55 pm
Friday, 14th March
Saturday, 15th March
Screen:Screen 4
Start Time:12:15 pm
Approx End Time:2:45 pm
Start Time:6:35 pm
Approx End Time:9:05 pm
Sunday, 16th March
Start Time:6:30 pm
Approx End Time:9:00 pm
Monday, 17th March
Tuesday, 18th March
Wednesday, 19th March